Everywhere Im Goin' - Maddie Tae chords
Intro [G]Ooh, [Am]ooh, [Em]ooh, [C]ooh [G]Ooh, [Am]ooh, [Em]ooh, [C]ooh
Verse 1
GHe's as cool as AmCalifornia
EmHomegrown like they Cdo it in Georgia
[g]With a heart as Ambig as the Lone EmStar StateC
GHard to catch like a AmKansas breeze
EmStrong like a CTennessee hickory
GHe's smooth like the Ambourbon Kentucky Emmakes C
GOoh, Amooh, Emooh
Hot like the CPhoenix sun, y'all
GOoh, Amooh, Emooh
EmI'm fallin' like a Denver snowfall
GWhole world Amin my Emliving room
CIt's all you, babe
GIf I could paint Amparadise, Emit'd be you
CIt's all you, babe
GEvery red pin on the Ammap I'm holding
You're Emeverywhere I've been
And Ceverywhere I'm goin'
From GBackwoods to the neon Amglowin'
You're Emeverywhere I've been
CAnd everywhere I'm goin'
GOoh, Amooh, Emooh, Cooh
Verse 2
GHe's my one-way Amoutta town
Even Emsitting shotgun Criding around
GFeels like an AmEast Coast, coastline Emdrive C
GHe's a take-my-Ambreath like a EmParis Csunset
GTakes my Amheart where it Emhasn't Cbeen yet
GWhole world Amin my Emliving room
CIt's all you, babe
GIf I could paint Amparadise, Emit'd be you
CIt's all you, babe
GEvery red pin on the Ammap I'm holding
You're Emeverywhere I've been
And Ceverywhere I'm goin'
From GBackwoods to the neon Amglowin'
You're Emeverywhere I've been
CAnd everywhere I'm goin' G Am
EmEverywhere, everywhere, Ceverywhere I'm goin' G Am Em C
GOoh, Amooh, Emooh
Hot like the CPhoenix sun y'all
GOoh, Amooh, Emooh
I'm fallin' like a CDenver snowfall
GWhole world Amin my Emliving room
CIt's all you, babe
GIf I could paint Amparadise, Emit'd be you
CIt's all you, babe
GEvery red pin on the Ammap I'm holding
You're Emeverywhere I've been
And Ceverywhere I'm goin'
From GBackwoods to the neon Amglowin'
You're Emeverywhere I've been
CAnd everywhere I'm goin'
GOoh, Amooh, Emooh
Everywhere CI'm goin', goin'
GOoh, Amooh, Emooh
Everywhere I've been Cand everywhere I'm goin'
GOoh, Amooh, Emooh, Cooh
GOoh, Amooh, Emooh, Cooh G
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