Here There And Everywhere - The Beatles chords
The Beatles
G To lead a Bmbetter life,
Bb I need my love to be Am7here D7
GHere, Am Bmmaking each Cday of the Gyear Am
BmChanging my Clife with a F#m7wave of her B7hand,
F#m7Nobody B7can Emdeny that there's Amsomething Am7there D7
GAmThere, Bmrunning my Chands through her Ghair Am
BmBoth of us Cthinking how F#m7good it can B7be
F#m7Someone is B7speaking, but Emshe doesn't Amknow he's Am7there
Middle 8:
I Fwant her Bbeverywhere Gm
And if Cmshe's beside me D7I know I need Gmnever care
CmBut to love her D7is to need her
GAmeverywhere Bmknowing that Clove is to Gshare, Am
BmEach one Cbelieving that F#m7love never B7dies
F#m7Watching her B7eyes, and Emhoping I'm Amalways there Am7 D7
Middle 8:
I Fwant her Bbeverywhere Gm
And if Cmshe's beside me D7I know I need Gmnever care
CmBut to love her D7is to need her
GAmeverywhere Bmknowing that Clove is to Gshare, Am
BmEach one Cbelieving that F#m7love never B7dies
F#m7Watching her B7eyes, and Emhoping I'm Amalways there Am7 D7
I will be GAmthere, and BmCeverywhere
GHere, Amthere, and BmCeverywhere G
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