Extraordinary Girl - Green Day chords
Green Day
AShe's an Dmextraordinary Agirl
In an Dmordinary Aworld
And she Gcan't seem to get Aaway
AHe lacks the Dmcourage in his Amind
Like a Dmchild left Abehind
Like Ga pet left in the Arain
F#mShe's all Dalone again
F#mWiping the tears from her Deyes
DSome days he Efeels like dying
DShe gets so sick of Dmcrying
AShe sees the Dmmirror of Aherself
An Dmimage she wants to Asell
To Ganyone willing to Abuy
AHe steals the Dmimage in her Akiss
From her Dmheart's Aapocalypse
From the Gone called Awhatsername
F#mShe's all alone Dagain
F#mWiping the tears from her Deyes
D Some days Ehe feels like dying
DShe gets so sick of Dmcrying
A [-] Dm [-] A [-] Dm [-] A [-] G [-] A [(x2)]
F#mShe's all alone Dagain
F#mWiping the tears from her Deyes
D Some days Ehe feels like dying
DSome days its Enot worth trying
D Now that they Eboth are finding
DShe gets so sick of Dmcrying
AShe's an Dmextraordinary Agirl
an DmexAtraordinary girl
an DmexAtraordinary girl
an DmexAtraordinary girl
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