Fireproof - One Direction chords
One Direction
CAPO 1 (Intro) x2 [D] [G] [A]
D I think I'm gonna Glose my Asus4mindD
Something deepG inside me, I Acan't give Dup
I think I'm gonna Glose my Asus4mind
I Bmroll and I Aroll till I'm Gout of luck
Yeah I Bmroll and I Aroll till I'm Gout of luck
D I'm feeling something GdeepAsus4 insideD
Hotter than a Gjet stream Aburning Dup
I got a feeling Gdeep Asus4inside
It's Bmtaking, it's Ataking, Gall I've got
Yeah It's Bmtaking, it's Ataking, Gall I've got
A Cause nobody Bmknows you baby the GwayDsus2 I doAsus4
A And nobody Bmloves you baby the GwayDsus2 I Asus4 do
It's been so Along
It's been so Bmlong
Maybe we're G D Asus4 fireproof
A Cause nobody Bmsaves me baby the Gway Dsus2you A do
D I think I'm gonna Gwin this Asus4handD
I'm riding on the Gwind and IA won't give Dup
I think I'm gonnaG win thisAsus4 time
I Bmroll and I Aroll till I Gchange my luck
Yeah I Bmroll and I Aroll till I Gchange my luck
A Cause nobody Bmknows you baby the GwayDsus2 I doAsus4
A And nobody Bmloves you baby the GwayDsus2 I Asus4 do
It's been so Along
It's been so Bmlong
Maybe we're G D Asus4 fireproof
A Cause nobody Bmsaves me baby the Gway Dsus2you A do
A Cause nobody Bmloves you baby the Gway Dsus2 I A do
A Cause nobody Bmloves you baby the Gway Dsus2 I A do
It's been so Along
It's been so Bmlong
We must be G D Asus4 fireproof
A Cause nobody Bmsaves me baby the Gway Dsus2you A do D G A
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