End of the day - One Direction chords
One Direction
Capo 4
I Cadd9told her that I Dloved her, just Gnot sure if she heard.
The Cadd9roof was pretty Dwindy and she Emdidn't say a word.
Cadd9Party dying Ddownstairs. Had Gnothing left to do.
Just Emme, her, Dand the Cadd9moon.
I said you're on Cfire, babe.D
And down came the Glightning on Emme.
Love can be Cfrightening for Dsure.
GAll I know at the end of the day
is you Cwant what you want, and you say what you say
and youD follow your heart even though it'll break sometiiiiimes.Am C
GAll I know at the end of the day
is you Clove who you love. There ain't no other way.
If there's Dsomething I've learned from a million mistakes
You're the Amone that I want Cat the Dend of the day.G C
At the end of the day.C
You're theAm one that I want Cat the Dend of the day.
Cadd9Sure the night wasD over, IG said it’s forever.
Cadd920 minutes Dlater wound up Emin the hospital.
The Cadd9priest thinks it’s the Ddevil.
My Gmum thinks it’s the flu
ButEm girl it’s Donly Cadd9you
I said you're on Cfire, babe.D
And down came the Glightning on Emme.
Love can be Cfrightening for Dsure.
GAll I know at the end of the day
is you Cwant what you want, and you say what you say
and youD follow your heart even though it'll break sometiiiiimes.Am C
GAll I know at the end of the day
is you Clove who you love. There ain't no other way.
If there's Dsomething I've learned from a million mistakes
You're theAm one that I want Cat the Dend of the day.
Am When the sun goes I Cknow that you and me and everything will be
Am And when the city’s sleeping, Cyou and I can stay awake and keep on
CYou and I can stay awake and keep on dreaming
GAll I know at the end of the day
is you Cwant what you want, and you say what you say
and youD follow your heart even though it'll break sometiiiiimes.Am C
GAll I know at the end of the day
is you Clove who you love. There ain't no other way.
If there's Dsomething I've learned from a million mistakes
You're the Amone that I want Cat the Dend of the day.G C
At the end of the day.C
You're the Amone that I want Cat the Dend of the day.G C
You're the Amone that I want Cat the Dend of the day.G C
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