Day By Day - Lina Sandell chords
Lina Sandell
Capo 1
Verse 1:
DDay by day, and with each passing Emmoment,
Strength I Afind to A7meet my trials Dhere
Trusting in my Father's wise be Emstowment
I've no Acause for A7worry or for Dfear
He whose heart is kind beyond all Gmeasure
Gives Aunto each A7day what He deems Dbest
Lovingly, its part of pain and Empleasure
Mingling Atoil with A7peace and Drest
Verse 2:
DEvery day the Lord Himself is Emnear me,
With a Aspecial A7mercy for each Dhour;
All my cares He fain would bear and Emcheer me,
He whose Aname is A7Counsellor and DPow’r.
The protection of His child and Gtreasure
Is a Acharge that A7on Himself He Dlaid;
“As thy days, thy strength shall be in Gmeasure,”
This the Apledge to A7me He Dmade.
Verse 3:
DHelp me then, in every tribu Emlation,
So to Atrust Thy A7promises, O DLord,
That I lose not faith’s sweet conso Emlation,
Offered Ame within A7Thy holy DWord.
Help me, Lord, when toil and trouble Gmeeting,
E’er to Atake, as A7from a father’s Dhand,
One by one, the days, the moments Gfleeting,
Till with AChrist the A7Lord I Dstand.
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