Glad You Exist - dan + shay chords

Key: G Singer/Band: dan + shay
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o

Capo 4
GHere's to all the Dlate night drunk phone Emcalls that you pickedC up
GHere's to all theD bad decisions Emthat you didn't Cjudge
GAll the 'love you's and the 'Dhate you's and the Emsecrets that you
Ctold me
GHere's to everyDone but mostly Emus C
There's a Gcouple billion Dpeople in the Emworld C
And a Gmillion other Dplaces we could Embe, but you're Chere with me
GTake a moment Djust to take it Emin C
'Cause every Ghigh and every Dlow led to Emthis
I'm just so Cglad you eGxist
GHey, look what a Dhello from a Emstranger turned inCto
GCaught up in a Dmoment like it's Emjust us in this Croom
GAll the right words Dat the right time and you Emknow 'em 'cause you
Cknow me
GBetter than anyone Delse, Emwe don't need anyone Celse
There's a Gcouple billion Dpeople in the Emworld C
And a Gmillion other Dplaces we could Embe, but you're Chere with me
GTake a moment Djust to take it Emin C
'Cause every Ghigh and every Dlow led to Emthis
I'm just so Cglad you eGxist
GDon't you ever go, Ddon't you ever go, Emdon't you ever go Cchangin'
GNever let me go, Dnever let me go, Emnever let me go, Cbaby
GDon't you ever go, Ddon't you ever go, Emdon't you ever go Cchangin'
GNever let me go, Dnever let me go, Emnever let me go, Cbaby
There's a Gcouple billion Dpeople in the Emworld C
And a Gmillion other Dplaces we could Embe, but you're Chere with me
GTake a moment Djust to take it Emin C
'Cause every Ghigh and every Dlow led to Emthis
I'm just so Cglad you eGxist
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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