Green Tea And Honey - Dane Amar Jereena Montemayor chords
Dane Amar
Jereena Montemayor
Girl Fyou don't know, nah. A7What you do to me
When I Dmsee that crinkle on your nose I Cwonder if you Ffluently just
BbDo you like you Amdo so effortlesslDmy
I want Gmyou right next to me I want Cyou to be my. Be my, my
FGreen Tea in the morning be my, A7my sugar honey
You're just Dmso great I wonder girl I Cwonder why you love me
It's so Bblovely, can't complain one day AmI'll give you my Dmname
If you're Gmdown. If you're Cdown
FGreen Tea in the morning be my, A7my sugar honey
You're just Dmso great I wonder girl I Cwonder why you love me
It's so Bblovely, can't complain one day AmI'll give you my Dmname
If you're Gmdown. If you're Cdown
FI can't describe the A7feeling you gave
DmWhen you blew me away and I CCarry that every day
My Amsunshine and my Dmmoon you're Gmall I wanna do
Every Cnight until we're through
FThese little moments A7that we've got (That we've got)
DmYou make me feel like Csomething I'm not
Green Tea and BbHoney babe so Amwarm and Dmsweet
You're Gmall I need. Just Cyou and me
I said now Fhere we go again another verse about
A7How you got me feeling it I'm feeling very many different types of ways
I just Dmgotta say I just wanna see you
Every second of every Cday if that's ok then let me know
BbYes I got the flow that can make us go afloat
Thirty Amthousand we won't ever hear beDmlow
You're a Gmqueen and the world is yours, a whole (Cyeah)
FBaby I got you and. A7Baby you got me
DmTell me how you feelin'. CJust keep it real and promise we'll find peace
BbYour smile it got me Am...DmGot me lost like your eyes
GmBaby I just want you Cwant you to go in want you to be my
FGreen Tea in the morning be my, A7my sugar honey
You're just Dmso great I wonder girl I Cwonder why you love me
It's so Bblovely, can't complain one day AmI'll give you my Dmname
If you're Gmdown. If you're Cdown
FGreen Tea in the morning be my, A7my sugar honey
You're just Dmso great I wonder girl I Cwonder why you love me
It's so Bblovely, can't complain one day AmI'll give you my Dmname
If you're Gmdown. If you're Cdown
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