Healing happens all around - Quân Keyboard chords
Quân Keyboard
Tỉa bass-nghỉ-1-2-3-2
GHealing Dhappens all Emaround , Cbreathe and Gsmile
Be Dstill and Emnow C
GHealing Dhappens all Emaround, and Cdeep Ginside, Dnothing to
EmdoC G
When we Dentrust to Mother EmEarth, Cand let Ggo
DHealing takes EmplaceC G
When we reDlax in what we Emare, and Csurrender ourGselves
DNothing else to EmdoC G
Be aDware of your Emfear, just Cbreathe with Git
Your Dpresence is EmenoughC G
InDvite your love to Embe, Cthere with Gyou
Let Dyourself be Emembraced C G
GHealing Dhappens all Emaround , Cbreathe and Gsmile
Be Dstill and EmnowC
GHealing Dhappens all Emaround, and Cdeep Ginside, Dnothing to
EmdoC G
When we Dentrust to Mother EmEarth, Cand let Ggo
DHealing takes EmplaceC G
When we reDlax in what we Emare, and Csurrender Gourselves
DNothing else to EmdoC G
Be Daware of your Emfear, just Cbreathe with Git
Your Dpresence is EmenoughC G
DInvite your love to Embe, Cthere with Gyou
Let Dyourself be Emembraced C G
GHealing Dhappens all aEmround , Cbreathe and Gsmile
Be Dstill and EmnowC
GHealing Dhappens all Emaround, and Cdeep Ginside, Dnothing to
EmdoC G
When we Dentrust to Mother EmEarth, Cand let Ggo
DHealing takes EmplaceC G
When we Drelax in what we Emare, and Csurrender Gourselves
DNothing else to EmdoC G
Be aDware of your Emfear, just Cbreathe with Git
Your Dpresence is EmenoughC G
DInvite your love to Embe, Cthere with Gyou
Let Dyourself be Emembraced C G
GHealing Dhappens all Emaround , Cbreathe and Gsmile
Be Dstill and EmnowC
GHealing Dhappens all Emaround, and Cdeep Ginside, Dnothing to
EmdoC G
Be Dstill and Emheal
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