How Deep Is Your Love - Calvin Harris Disciples chords
Calvin Harris
Verse 1
I want you to Embreathe me C
Let me be your Amair
Let me roam your Embody, freely C
No Aminhibition, no fear
How deep is your Emlove?
Is it like the Cocean?
What Amdevotion? Are you?
How deep is your Emlove?
Is it like Cnirvana?
Hit me Amharder, again
How deep is your Emlove? C
How deep is your Amlove?
How deep is your Emlove?
Is it like the Cocean?
Pull me Amcloser, again
How deep is your Emlove? C
How deep is your Amlove?
Verse 2
Open up my Emeyes and C
Tell me who I Amam
Let me in on Emall your secrets C
No Aminhibition, no sin
How deep is your Emlove?
Is it like the Cocean?
What Amdevotion? Are you?
How deep is your Emlove?
Is it like Cnirvana?
Hit me Amharder, again
How deep is your Emlove? C
How deep is your Amlove?
How deep is your Emlove?
Is it like the Cocean?
Pull me Amcloser, again
How deep is your Emlove? C
How deep is your Amlove?
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