Leaving On A Jet Plane - John Denver chords
John Denver
(Intro) G C G C
All my Gbags are packed,
I'm Cready to go
I'm Gstanding here
Coutside your door
GI hate to wake you Cup
to say Dgoodbye..
But the Gdawn is breaking,
it's Cearly morn,
The Gtaxi's waitin'
he's Cblowing his horn,
GAlready I'm so Clonesome
I could Dcry..
GSo.. kiss me
and Csmile for me,
GTell me that
you'll Cwait for me,
GHold me like
you'll Cnever let me Dgo..
'Cause I'm Gleaving
Con a jet plane..
GDon't know
when CI'll be back Gagain
Oh, Cbabe, I hate to Dgo..
There's Gso many times
I've Clet you down
GSo many times
I Cplayed around,
GI tell you Cnow..
they don't mean a Dthing..
Every Gplace I go
I'll Cthink of you,
Every Gsong I sing
I'll Csing for you,
When GI come back
CI'll bring your wedding Dring..
GSo.. kiss me
and Csmile for me,
GTell me that
you'll Cwait for me,
GHold me like
you'll Cnever let me Dgo..
'Cause I'm Gleaving
Con a jet plane..
GDon't know
when CI'll be back Gagain
Oh, Cbabe, I hate to Dgo..
GNow the time
has Ccome to leave you,
GOne more time
Clet me kiss you,
GThen close your eyes
CI'll be on Dmy way..
GDream about
the Cdays to come
When GI won't have
to Cleave alone,
GAbout the times
CI won't have Dto say..
GKiss me and Csmile for me,
GTell me that
you'll Cwait for me,
GHold me like
you'll Cnever let me Dgo..
'Cause I'm Gleaving
Con a jet plane..
GDon't know
when CI'll be back Gagain
Oh, Cbabe, I hate to Dgo..
I'm Gleaving
Con a jet plane,
GDon't know
when CI'll be back Gagain,
Oh, Cbabe, I hate to Dgo...G
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