If you could speak - God help the girl chords
God help the girl
Capo 4 Intro: [G] [D] [C] [D]
I Ggot out of Dbed and came Chere for Dadventure.
I Gstepped on a Dstone on the Cway. D
I G7took off my Cshoe and a Bmdog came Emtowards me
Cwagging his Dtail happily G. G7
CDog, if you could Dspeak, you'd Gknow what to do.
CSimply turn Daround and Grun.
CDog, if you could Dspeak, you Bmbury your Embone
and you Cshow me the Dway back Ghome.
GGot out of Dbed, and I Cput on my Dsun suit.
GBlue checky Dshirt and a Cdress.
G7Nothing was Cleft for a Bmgirl in Empajamas.
CNo breakfast, no Dkindness, no Gcake. G7
CGirl, if you could Dspeak, you'd Gknow what to do
CAges left a Dgift with Gyou G7
CRent a cheap Dsecond-hand Bmcrystal Emball
I will Ctrust my Dfuture to Gyou.
I Ggot out of Dbed when the Csprings wouldn't Dhave me
They Gfired me Dup like a Cgun
Fell G7into my Csuit and I Bmwalked to Embreakfast
CGreen leafs and Dblue sky and Gsun G7
CBoy, if you could Dspeak, you'd Gknow what to do
You'd Csit and let the Dworld go Ground G7
CRemember all you Dsaw and Bmtell it Emback
In the Cstories when the Dday is Gdone
CRemember all you Dsaw and Bmtell it Emback
In the Cstories when the Dday is Gdone
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