Just A Closer Walk With Thee - Patsy Cline chords
Patsy Cline
Capo on 2nd fret Key [C]
Verse I.
CI [E7b5] am Amweak but Gbm6Thou art Dmstrong,
G7CJesus G7keep me from all Cwrong.
I'll be Gsatisified Cas Flong
As I Gwalk, Clet G7me Cwalk G7close to Cthee.
C[E7b5]Just a Amcloser walk Gbm6with Dmthee,
G7Grant Cit, G7Jesus is my Cplea.
Daily walking Gclose Cto Fthee,
Let it GCbe, G7dear Clord. G7Let it Cbe. G7 C
Verse II.
CWhen [E7b5] my Amfeeble life Gbm6 is Dmo'er,
G7Time Cfor G7me shall be no Cmore.
Guide me gently, GCsafely Fo'er,
To thy GCkingdom G7 Cshore, G7to Thy Cshore.
Verse III.
CWhen [E7b5]life's Amsun sinks in Gbm6 the Dmwest,
G7Lord, Cmay G7 I have done my Cbest.
May I find sweet Gpeace Cand Frest,
In that GChappy G7home Cof G7the Cblessed.
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