Let Me Dream A While - Passenger chords
capo 3
C C F C Gsus4 Cmaj9/B Am7 Gsus4 Fsus2 Fsus2
C Gsus4 C F C Gsus4 C
WCell, when the lFights hang lCow Gsus4
And I lay Am7down and Gsus4close my Fsus2eyes
I see cColors and spGsus4inning wheelsFsus2
I hear a lCanguage I dGsus4on't understFsus2and
I see pCeople I've nGsus4ot seen for yFsus2ears
I hold a Cmagic in my Gsus4hands Dm
I sing Dmsongs that I never Fsus2write
'Cause their Gsus4gone by the morning light
C F C Gsus4 C F C Gsus4 C
YCes, and I drFeam awCay Gsus4
And I'm as frAm7ee as the sGsus4ummer skyFsus2
I swim in Coceans Gsus4turquoise and Fsus2deep
I lay dCown in fiGsus4elds of goldFsus2
I see mCountains snGsus4ow white and stFsus2eep
Though I Cnever Gsus4feel the cold Dm
I can't Dmstay there, try as I Fsus2might
'Cause it's Gsus4gone by the morning light C
F So, if you Gsus4find that I'm Csleeping
F Soft and Gsus4warm as a Cchild C7
F Would you just let me Gsus4be
For a Cmoment Cmaj9/Bhappy and Am7free?
Gsus4Oh, won't you Fsus2please let me Gsus4dream a while?
C F C Gsus4 C F C Gsus4 C
CYeah, when the Fnight draws Cin Gsus4
And I lay dAm7own to rGsus4est my headFsus2
I find Cboxes of Gsus4photographs Fsus2
And old mCovies I sGsus4aw long agoFsus2
I can stCill hear my sGsus4ister laughFsus2
On the Cbeaches of Gsus4Mexico Fsus2
Where the Cphosphorescence Gsus4shines 'neath the Fsus2moon
And a thCousand stGsus4ars, they glFsus2ow
But they Calways fade Gsus4out so Fsus2soon
To a plCace where I jGsus4ust can't goDm
Though I Dmhold on to them so Fsus2tight
They are Gsus4gone by the morning light C
F So, if you Gsus4find that I'm Csleeping
F Soft and Gsus4warm as a Cchild C7
F Would you just let me Gsus4be
For a mComent hCmaj7/Bappy and frAm7ee?
Gsus4Oh, won't you Fsus2please let me Gsus4dream a while? Am7
Cmaj9/B C
Oh, won't you Fsus2please let me Gsus4dream a while?
C Fsus2 Gsus4 C
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