Love Yourself - Justin Bieber chords

Key: C Singer/Band: Justin Bieber
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Dm1fr2fr3fr4frxoo231
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211

Tone [C] Capo 4th fret
For all the Ctimes that you Grain on my Amparade
And all the Dmclubs you get in Cusing my Gname
You think you Cbroke my heart, oh Ggirl for Amgoodness sake
You think I'm Dmcrying on my Cown, well I Gain't
And I didn't wanna Cwrite a song G
Cause I didn't want Amanyone thinking I still care
I Dmdon't but, you Cstill hit my Gphone up
And baby I be Cmovin' on G
And I Amthink you should be somethin'
I don't wanna Dmhold back, Cmaybe you should Gknow that
My mama don't Amlike you Fand she likes everyone C
And I never Amlike to Fadmit that I was wrong C
And I've been so Amcaught up in Fmy job, didn't Csee what's Ggoing on
But now I Amknow F, I'm better Gsleeping on my own
Cause if you Clike the Gway you Amlook that Fmuch
Oh, baby, Cyou should go and Glove Cyourself
And if you Cthink that GI'm still Amholdin' Fon to somethin'
CYou should go and Glove Cyourself
And when you Ctold me that you Ghated my Amfriends
The only Dmproblem was with Cyou and not Gthem
And every Ctime you told me Gmy opinion was Amwrong
And tried to Dmmake me forget Cwhere I came Gfrom
And I didn't wanna Cwrite a song G
Cause I didn't want Amanyone thinking I still care
I Dmdon't but, Cyou still hit my Gphone up
And baby I be Cmovin' on G
And I think you Amshould be somethin'
I don't wanna Dmhold back, Cmaybe you should Gknow that
My mama don't Amlike you Fand she likes everyone C
And I never Amlike to Fadmit that I was wrong C
And I've been so Amcaught up in Fmy job, didn't Csee what's Ggoing on
But now I Amknow F, I'm better Gsleeping on my own
Cause if you Clike the Gway you Amlook that Fmuch
Oh, baby, Cyou should go and Glove Cyourself
And if you Cthink that GI'm still Amholdin' Fon to somethin'
CYou should go and Glove Cyourself
For all the Ctimes that you Gmade me feel Amsmall
I fell in Dmlove, now I feel Cnothin' at Gall
Had never Cfelt so Glow when I was Amvulnerable
Was I a Dmfool to let you Cbreak down my Gwalls?
Cause if you Clike the Gway you Amlook that Fmuch
Oh, baby, Cyou should go and Glove Cyourself
And if you Cthink that GI'm still Amholdin' Fon to somethin'
CYou should go and Glove Cyourself
Cause if you Clike the Gway you Amlook that Fmuch
Oh, baby, Cyou should go and Glove Cyourself
And if you Cthink that GI'm still Amholdin' Fon to somethin'
CYou should go and Glove Cyourself
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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