Mademoiselle Noir - Peppina chords
Capo 4th Fret
A Amman came across this old tower one day,
It was Gstraight like from a book he once Cread
He Amlifted his head up and saw this young lady
And Ghere's what the lady Esaid:
AmMoi je Gm'appelle Fmaj7Mademoiselle Noir,
Et Amcomme vous Gpouvez le Fvoir
Je Gne Csouris, ni Eris, ni Fvis
Et Fc'est tout Gce q'uelle a Amdit....
E Am E Am
The Amman was so scared, he could only run away.
He Gran to the town and then Csaid,
"I Amjust saw a lady with the longest dark hair,
And I Gthink she's a living Edead."
The Ampeople, so scared, took their guns and their swords.
They Gran to the tower and Cthen
They Amsaw the pale lady and felt the great fear
When they Gheard how she said it Eagain:
AmMoi je Gm'appelle Fmaj7Mademoiselle Noir,
Et Amcomme vous Gpouvez le Fvoir
Je Gne Csouris, ni Eris, ni Fvis
Et Fc'est tout Gce q'uelle a Amdit....
E Am E Am
The Ampeople, they knew what this all was about.
She was Gclearly a demon from Chell.
They Amdecided to set her long hair on fire,
In the Gend it would burn her as Ewell.
But the Amlady was no demon, she was a lone soul,
Just Glike in that book they once Cread,
Still Amwaiting for her prince while her hair was on fire,
The Gone last time she Esaid:
AmMoi je Gm'appelle Fmaj7Mademoiselle Noir,
Et Amcomme vous Gpouvez le Fvoir
Je Gne Csouris, ni Eris, ni Fvis
Et Fc'est tout Gce q'uelle a Amdit....