Music to my eyes - Bradley Cooper chords
Bradley Cooper
Verse 1
You're music to my Deyes
I had to listen just Emto find F#myou
I like for Emyou to let me sing Aalong
Give you a rhythm you Dfeel A
I wanna learn your every Dline
I wanna fill your Emempty F#mspaces
I want Fmto Emplay the part to reach your Aheart
Sing you a song that you Dfeel A
DLove let your music be F#mmine
Sing while I Gharmonize
Let your melodies Emfly in my direction
DTake me to your F#mparadise
On a musical Gride
I'm in love with your Emmusic Ababy
You're music to my Deyes
Verse 2
Your voice is quite Da view
I heard a song and Emthen I saw F#myou
I learned the Emlyrics and knew you were Amine
Dance the horizon with Dyou A
I wanna sing you a Dsunrise
And be the dawn I Eknow will move F#myou
I'd like Fmto Embe the strings on your Aguitar
Touch me and play what you Dfeel A
DLove let your music be F#mmine
Sing while I Gharmonize
Let your melodies Emfly in my direction
DTake me to your F#mparadise
On a musical Gride
I'm in love with your Emmusic Ababy
You're music to my Deyes
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