My Everything - Owl City chords
Owl City
Intro [Bb] [F] [Dm] [C] [Bb] [Gm] [Dm] [C]
When my Bbhope is lFost and my
strength is gCone, I run to yBbou and yoGmu alonDme C
When I Bbcan't get uFp and I can't go
oCn, I run to yBbou and yoGmu alonDme C
BbCause you're my light in the Cdark
BbAnd I sing with all of my Cheart
HalleBblujaFh, my almCighty God diDmvine,
HalleBblujaFh, I am yCours and you aDmre mine
This is Bball I Fknow how to Csay Dm
HalleBblujaGmh, HalleDmlujCah,
You're my BbFeverything C Bb Gm Dm C
When I'm Bbplagued with pFain and filled
with fCear I run to yBbou and yoGmu alonDme C
When my Bbdays are fFew and death is
nCear I run to yBbou and Gmyou alonDme C
BbCause you're my light in the Cdark
BbAnd I sing with all of my Cheart
HalleBblujaFh, my almCighty God diDmvine,
HalleBblujaFh, I am yCours and you aDmre mine
This is Bball I Fknow how to Csay Dm
HalleBblujaGmh, HalleDmlujCah,
BbWhen trouble comes and goes, Fand when the Ccold wind blows
BbI lift my hands up, DmI lift Cmy hands up
BbWhen sorrow knocks me down, Fand you pick me Coff the ground
BbI lift my hands up, DmI lift Cmy hands up,
BbAnd I Csing
HalleBblujaFh, my almCighty God diDmvine,
HalleBblujaFh, I am yCours and you aDmre mine
This is Bball I Fknow how to Csay Dm Bb F Bb C
HalleBblujaFh, by the gCrace of God aDmbove
HalleBblujaFh, I'll shine the lCight cause I am lDmoved
This is Bball I Fknow how to Csay Dm
HalleBblujaGmh, HalleDmlujCah
This is Bball I Fknow how to Csay Dm
HalleBblujaGmh, HalleDmlujCah
You're my BbFeverything C Bb Gm
You're my DmCeverything
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