Up All Night - Owl City chords
Owl City
Intro : [Bb] [Dm] [C] [Gm] [Bb] [Dm] [C] [Gm] [Bb] [Dm] [C] [Gm] [Bb] [Dm] [C] [Gm]
BbI fell in Dmlove with a Cghost
Oh, Gmunder the moonlight
BbYou took my Dmhand and held me Cclose
For Gmonce I was alright
BbI cried and the Dmtears fell from my Ceyes
Like Gma waterfall
BbAnd I swear I could Dmfeel you in my Carms
But there was Gmno one there at all
BbYou were my Dmclarity, I Cswear
Alone Gmin a daydream
BbYeah there was Dmmagic in the Cair
And you were Gmright here beside me
BbHeld down like an Dmangel with no Cwings
I wanna Gmfly again
BbI just can't Dmget you off my Cmind
And now I'm Gmgonna be up all night
BbWoah oh Foh oh C
GmIts tearing me up inside
BbI just can't Fget you off my Cmind Gm
BbI tossed and Dmturned in the Cend
With Gmno one to talk to
BbI searched Dmagain and Cagain
But GmI never found you
BbI cried and the Dmtears fell from my Ceyes
Like Gma waterfall
BbAnd I swear I could Dmfeel you in my Carms
But there was Gmno one there at all
BbYou were my Dmclarity, I Cswear
Alone Gmin a daydream
BbYeah there was Dmmagic in the Cair
And you were Gmright here beside me
BbHeld down like an Dmangel with no Cwings
I wanna Gmfly again
BbI just can't Dmget you off my Cmind
And now I'm Gmgonna be up all night
BbWoah oh Foh oh C
I'm Gmgonna be up all night, Bbwoah oh Foh oh C
GmI'm gonna be up all night Bb
DmI don't wanna say Cgoodbye
Gmits tearing me up inside
BbI just can't Dmget you off my Cmind
And now I'm Gmgonna be up all night
Solo :
Bb Dm C Gm Bb Dm C Gm
Bb Dm C Gm Bb Dm C Gm
BbWoah oh Foh oh C
I'm Gmgonna be up all night, Bbwoah oh Foh oh C
GmI'm gonna be up all night Bb
DmI don't wanna say Cgoodbye
Gmits tearing me up inside
BbI just can't Dmget you off my Cmind Gm
BbYou were my Dmclarity, I Cswear
Alone Gmin a daydream
BbYeah there was Dmmagic in the Cair
And you were Gmright here beside me
BbHeld down like an Dmangel with no Cwings
I wanna Gmfly again
BbI just can't Dmget you off my Cmind
And now I'm Gmgonna be up all night
Bb Dm C Gm
BbA whisper on the Dmair
Made my Cheart rate fall
When I Gmheard you call
BbAnd I swear, I could Dmhear your voice in Cmy ear
But there was Gmno one there at all
Bb Dm C Gm
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