O Brother Where Art Thou - I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow - Misc Soundtrack chords

Key: D Singer/Band: Misc Soundtrack
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4

DIn constant Asorrow all through his Ddays
Verse 1
DI Am A Man Of Constant GSorrow
I've seen Atrouble all my Dday.
I bid farewell to old GKentucky
The place where AI was born and Draised.
The place where Ahe was born and Draised
Verse 2
DFor six long years I've been in Gtrouble
No pleasures Ahere on earth I Dfound
For in this world I'm bound to Gramble
I have no Afriends to help me Dnow.
He has no Afriends to help him Dnow
Verse 3
DIt's fare thee well my old Glover
I never Aexpect to see you Dagain
For I'm bound to ride that northern Grailroad
Perhaps I'll Adie upon this Dtrain.
Perhaps he'll Adie upon this Dtrain.
Verse 4
DYou can bury me in some deep Gvalley
For many Ayears where I may Dlay
Then you may learn to love Ganother
While I am Asleeping in my Dgrave.
While he is Asleeping in his Dgrave.
Verse 5
DMaybe your friends think I'm just a Gstranger
My face you'll Anever see no Dmore.
But there is one promise that is Ggiven
I'll meet you Aon God's golden Dshore.
He'll meet you Aon God's golden Dshore..
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