Be Thou My Vision - Audrey Assad chords

Key: C Singer/Band: Audrey Assad
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4

Capo 1
CBe Thou my Vision, O FLord of my Cheart;
GNaught be all else to me, Fsave that Thou Gart.
FThou my best Thought, by Cday or by Fnight,
CWaking or sleeping, Thy Fpresence my Clight.
CBe Thou my Wisdom, and FThou my trueC Word;
GI ever with Thee and FThou with me, GLord;
FThou my great Father, CI Thy true Fson;
CThou in me dwelling, and FI with Thee Cone.
CRiches I heed not, nor Fman’s empty Cpraise,
GThou mine Inheritance, Fnow and alGways:
FThou and Thou only, Cfirst in my Fheart,
CHigh King of Heaven, my FTreasure Thou Cart.
CHigh King of Heaven, my Fvictory Cwon,
GMay I reach Heaven’s joys, FO bright Heaven’s GSun!
FHeart of my own heart, whatCever beFfall,
CStill be my Vision, O FRuler of Call.
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