New Every Morning - Audrey Assad chords
Audrey Assad
Capo 3 Tone [C]
In the beFginning You Ghovered over the Cwaters: F
You broke an Gunbroken Amsilence: F...You spoke Glight into
Am...CAnd there was Flight
In the beFginning we were Gmade in Your Cimage F
We were Gnaked withAmout F...shame til we Gfell for the darkCness
Am...CAnd there was Fnight
FYour mercies are Gnew. Your mercies are Amnew. New every Emmorning.
FYour mercies are Gnew. Your mercies are Amnew. New every Emmorning.
In the beFginning there was the GWord and he Cwas God F
And the GWord was Amwith God F...and He Gdwelt among Cus
Am...CAnd there was Fnight
In the beFginning the GLamb of God was broCken F
And His Gblood was Ampoured out F...for the Gsins of the Cworld
Am...CAnd there was Fnight
FYour mercies are Gnew. Your mercies are Amnew. New every Emmorning.
FYour mercies are Gnew. Your mercies are Amnew. New every Emmorning.
FYour mercies are Gnew. Your mercies are Amnew. New every Emmorning.
FYour mercies are Gnew. Your mercies are Amnew. New every Emmorning.
At the Fcross, at the Ccross, where I Ffirst saw the Emlight
At the Fcross, at the Ccross, I reFceived my Emsight
At the Fcross, at the Ccross where you Flaid down your Emlife
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