Rocky Mountain High - John Denver chords
John Denver
Capo II [D] [Em] [G] [D] [Em] [G] [A7]
He was Dborn in the summer, of his Emtwenty Cseventh Ayear;
Coming Dhome to a place he'd never Embeen Gbefore
He Dleft yesterday behind him,
you might Emsay he was Cborn Aagain
You might Dsay he found a key for Emevery Gdoor
When he Dfirst came to the mountains, his Emlife was Cfar Aaway;
On the Droad and hanging Emby a Gsong
But the Dstring's already broken, and he Emdoesn't Creally Acare;
It keeps Dchanging fast, and it don't Emlast for Glong A
But the GColorado ARocky Mountain Dhigh
I've Gseen it raining Afire in the Dsky
The Gshadow from the Astarlight is Dsofter than a Glul Ala Gby
Rocky AMountain DEmhigh, GColorado
Rocky AMountain DEmhigh, GColorado A7
He Dclimbed cathedral mountains, he saw Emsilver Cclouds Abelow;
he saw Deverything as far as Emyou can Gsee
And they Dsay that he got crazy once,
and he Emtried to Ctouch the Asun;
And he Dlost a friend but Emkept the CGmemory
Now he Dwalks in quiet solitude, the Emforests Cand the Astreams;
seeking Dgrace in every Emstep he Gtakes
His Dsight has turned inside himself to Emtry and CAunderstand;
the Dserenity of a Emclear blue Cmountain Glake
And the GColorado ARocky Mountain Dhigh
I've Gseen it raining Afire in the Dsky
Gtalk to God and Alisten to the DGcasual Are Gply
Rocky AMountain DEmhigh, GColorado
Rocky AMountain DEmhigh, GColorado A7
Now his Dlife is full of wonder,
but his Emheart still Cknows some Afear;
of a Dsimple thing he Emcannot CGcomprehend
Why they Dtry to tear the mountains down,
To Embring in a Ccouple Amore;
more Dpeople, more Emscars Cupon the Gland
And the GColorado ARocky Mountain Dhigh
I've Gseen it raining Afire in the Dsky
I Gknow he'd be a Apoorer man if he Dnever saw an Geag Ale Gfly
Rocky AMountain Dhigh
And the GColorado ARocky Mountain Dhigh
I've Gseen it raining Afire in the Dsky
GFriends around the Acampfire and Devery Abody's Ghigh
Rocky AMountain DEmhigh, GColorado
Rocky AMountain DEmhigh, GColorado
ARocky MouDntaiEmn highG, Colorado
Rocky AMountain DEmhigh, GColorado . . .
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