Tattoo On My Heart - Bishop Briggs chords
Bishop Briggs
Capo 4
CSunday night and my Fhead’s a mess ain’t Amnothing feeling Greal
CCall me up drunk Fwith your friends just to Amtell me how you Gfeel
CYou say you think I’m going Fcrazy But Amcome on I ain’t Gblind
CYou think your words they never Fphase me But they Amhurt me every
FI’m so done with your fake Gpromises
Cause I’ve Ambeen through all this Gshit with you Fbefore
It’s always Cyou Fuh AmTaking me for Ggranted
Always Cyou Fuh That Amplays me as the Gfool
And if I’d Cknown If I’d known If I’d Fknown If I’d known You’d Amrip it
Oh I Cwish I didn’t Fget your name tatAmtooed on my Gheart
It’s Ctime for me to acFcept it all It’s Amtime for me to let Ggo
CWhen you walk with Fevery step It Amhurts me more than you Gknow
CI’m so Fdone with your fake AmpromiGses
Cause I’ve Cbeen through all this Fshit with you Ambefore G
It’s always Cyou Fuh AmTaking me for Ggranted
Always Cyou Fuh That Amplays me as the Gfool
And if I’d Cknown If I’d known If I’d Fknown If I’d known You’d Amrip it
Oh I Cwish I didn’t Fget your name tatAmtooed on my Gheart
You’re holding me Dmdown, down, Amdown Holding me Gdown
You’re holding me Dmdown, down, Amdown Holding me Gdown
You’re holding me Dmdown, down, Amdown Holding me Gdown
You’re holding me Dmdown, down, Amdown Holding me Gdown
It’s always Cyou Fuh AmTaking me for Ggranted
Always Cyou Fuh That Amplays me as the Gfool
And if I’d Cknown If I’d known If I’d Fknown If I’d known You’d Amrip it
Oh I Cwish I didn’t Fget your name tatAmtooed on my Gheart
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