Tattoo Your Name - Clever chords

Key: Em Singer/Band: Clever
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o

i wanna Emtattoo your name on my bones. so it’s there when i’m Cgone
ink always dies when we do- you’ve been enEmgraved on my heart
i want it deep in my arm for what it’s Cworth i love you so much it hurts
i write your Emname on my skin it takes the cage that i’m in
and makes it Cfeel like home
i’d write your Emname in the sky but all the planes passing by
don’t get me Chigh like you do maybe that’s why i choose you
to stop your Embleeding id cut my circulation
under the Cneedle here’s my confirmation
i wanna Emtattoo your name on my bones. so it’s there when i’m Cgone
ink always dies when we do- you’ve been enEmgraved on my heart
i want it deep in my arm for what it’s Cworth i love you so much it hurts
you beEmcame my strength and my weakness now the Cchaos within me feels
i always Emfeared that some day you’d like me less
only through Cyou shall i rise and i fall-
i know my Embody on earth is a temple i take the Cscars without no
i have to Emlive in this body forever i need you Cto be my new decoration
i wanna Emtattoo your name on my bones. so it’s there when i’m Cgone
ink always dies when we do- you’ve been enEmgraved on my heart
i want it deep in my arm for what it’s Cworth i love you so much it hurts
Emwhy must they judge me and my skin they’re Cso superficial
can’t they see through the colors i Emchoose
i’m more than my surface- i tattoo my Cpurpose my purpose is youuu
i wanna Emtattoo your name on my bones. so it’s there when i’m Cgone
ink always dies when we do- you’ve been enEmgraved on my heart
i want it deep in my arm for what it’s Cworth i love you so much it hurts
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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