The Longest Time - Billy Joel chords
Billy Joel
Capo 1
DOh, Aoh, Doh G
AFor the longest timeD
AOh, Doh, Goh
AFor the longest time
DIf you Asaid Ggoodbye to me Atonight
DThere would Astill be Emusic left to Awrite
F#What else could BmI do
A7I'm so Dinspired D7by you
GThat hasn't Emhappened for the Alongest Dtime
DOnce I Athought my Ginnocence was Agone
DNow I Aknow that Ehappiness goes Aon
F#Thats where you Bmfound me
A7When you put your Darms D7around me
GI havent Embeen there for the Alongest Dtime
DOh, Aoh, Doh G
AFor the longest timeD
AOh, Doh, Goh
AFor the longest time
DIf you Asaid Ggoodbye to me Atonight
DThere would Astill be Emusic left to Awrite
F#What else could BmI do
A7I'm so Dinspired D7by you
GThat hasn't Emhappened for the Alongest Dtime
AMaybe this wont Bmlast very long
But F#7you feel so right
And DI could be wrong
AMaybe Ive been Bmhoping too hard
E7But Ive gone this far
And its Amore than I hoped for
DWho knows Ahow much Gfurther well go Aon
DMaybe AIll be Esorry when youre Agone
F#Ill take my Bmchances
A7I forgot how Dnice D7romance is
GI havent Embeen there for the Alongest Dtime
AI had second Bmthoughts at the start
I F#7said to myself
Hold Don to your heart
ANow I know the Bmwoman that you are
Youre E7wonderful so far
And its Amore than I hoped for
DI dont Acare what Gconsequence it Abrings
DI have Abeen a Efool for lesser Athings
F#I want you Bmso bad
A7I think you Dought to D7know that
GI intend to Emhold you for the Alongest Dtime
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