Way Back Home - English Ver (Conor Maynard) - Conor Maynard chords
Conor Maynard
Tone [G] - Tone gốc Bb: Capo 3
Re Emmember when I Ctold
You no Dmatter where I Ggo
I'll Emnever leave your Cside
You will Dnever be a Glone
Even Emwhen we go through Cchanges
DEven when we're Gold
Re Emmember that I Ctold
You I'll Dfind my way back Ghome.
Verse 1:
EmI could Cnever let you Dgo
Couldn't Grun away if I Emtried
'Cause even Cwhen I'm all Dalone
You still Cgot a hold on Dmind
And I'm Calways let you Dknow
That I'm Galways gonna hold Emon. C D G
And I Emtold you right from the Cstart
You just Dsay the word and I'll Ggo
No, it Emdoesn't matter how Cfar
'Cause your Dlove is all that I Gknow
Baby, Emyou just stay where you Care
And you Dknow I won't be too Glong.
Hold Emon C
Hold Don G
Re Emmember when I Ctold
You no Dmatter where I Ggo
I'll Emnever leave your Cside
You will Dnever be a Glone
Even Emwhen we go through Cchanges
DEven when we're Gold
Re Emmember that I Ctold
You I'll Dfind my way back Ghome.
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