Woman - John Lennon chords
John Lennon
capo 1 (Intro) For the other half of the sky [Dsus4] [D] [G/D] [D](2x)
(Verse 1)
DWoman, Emi can F#mhardly Emexpress
Dmy mixed Bmemotions at my Emthoughtlessness Asus4 A
GAfter Emall, im F#mforever in you Asus4debt. A
And Dwoman, Emi will F#mtry to Emexpress
DMy inner Bmfeelings and Emthankfulness Asus4 A
Gfor showing Emme the F#mmeaning of success Asus4 A
Dmaj9 BmOhh.... Emwell, well, doo doo doo A6doo dooo 2x
(Verse 2)
DWoman, Ei know F#myou understand Em
Dthe little Bmchirldren Eminside the Asus4man A
GPlease Emremember, my life F#mis in your Asus4hands. A
DAnd woman, Emhold me F#mclose to your heart Em
D0However Bmdistant don't Emkeep us Asus4apart A
GAfter Emall it is F#mwritten in the Asus4stars. A
Dmaj9 BmOhh.... Emwell, well, doo doo doo A6doo doo dooo 2x
(Verse 3)
DWoman Emplease F#mlet me explain Em
DI never Bmmeant to cause you Emsorrow or Asus4pain A
GSo let Emtell you, F#magain and again and Asus4again A
I love Dmaj9..... Bmyou, Emyeah, yeah
Now and A6forever x3
Lặp lại ver1.... Asus4 A D
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