Yellow Bird - The Mills Brothers chords
The Mills Brothers
Capo on 4th fret
1. C Yellow bird, up Dm7 high in ba G7 nana C tree
Yellow bird, you Dm7 sit all G7 alone like C me
F Did your lady friend. C Leave your nest again?
G7 That is very sad. C Makes me feel so bad
F You can fly away. C In the sky away
G7 You're more Dm7 lucky than C me
Chorus: I also have a Dm7 pretty girl
G7 She's not with me to C day
There're all the same that Dm7 pretty girl
G7 Take them the nest Dm7 Then they G7 fly C away
2. C Yellow bird, up Dm7 high in ba G7 nana C tree
Yellow bird, you Dm7 sit all G7 alone like C me
F Let her fly away. C In the sky away
G7 Pick the town then soon. C Pick from night to noon
F Black and yellow you. C Like banana too
G7 They might Dm7 pick you some C day
Chorus: Wish that I were a Dm7 yellow bird
G7 I fly away with C you
But I am not a Dm7 yellow bird
G7 So here I sit. Dm7 Nothin' G7 else to C do
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