You - dan + shay chords
dan + shay
CBaby, F...Gstanding here with Cyou
With your Carms around my Fshoulders We’re Gdancing with the Cmoon
CAnd baby, Gfeels just like aC dream
When I Cwhisper that I love yFou and you Gsay it back to Cme
I got Cyou F...For the Grest of my Cdays
In the Csun on Sunday Fmorning or the Gpouring Crain
I got Cyou F...For the Grest of my life
And if Call else goes Fwrong, baby GI’ll be alCright
CBaby, F...Glookin’ in your Ceyes
It’s Clike we’re in slow Fmotion Just Gyou and me toCnight
Then Cbaby, Glean for a Ckiss
And I kCnow and I know and I Fknow that it don’t Gget better than
I got Cyou F...For the Grest of my Cdays
In the Csun on Sunday Fmorning or the Gpouring Crain
I got Cyou F...For the Grest of my life
And if Call else goes Fwrong, baby GI’ll be alCright
Am...I’ve got forE7ever and I’ve Amgot all I’ll ever Cneed
I got Cyou F...For the Grest of my Cdays
In the Csun on Sunday Fmorning or the Gpouring Crain
I got Cyou F...For the Grest of my life
And if Call else goes Fwrong, baby GI’ll be alCright
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