Amazing Grace - Alabama chords
Amazing DGrace, how Gsweet Dthe sound,
That saved a wretch like A7me.
I once Dwas lost, but Gnow im Dfound,
Was blind, but A7now DI see.
Twas Dgrace that thought my Gheart Dto fear,
and grace my fears A7released. DHow precious
did Gthat grace Dappear, the A7hour I Dfirst believed.
DWhen we've been there ten Gthousand Dyears,
DBright shining as the A7sun,
Dwe've no less days to Gsing Dgod's praise
DThan when did A7when we Dfirst begun.
DAmazing GGrace, how Dsweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like A7me.
I once Dwas lost, Gbut now Dim found,
Was blind, but A7now DI see.
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