Amazing Grace On Solid Ground - The Eagles chords
The Eagles
D Amazing Ggrace how Dsweet the Gsound
DThat saved a Gwretch like A7me
DI once was Glost but Dnow I'm Gfound
DOnce was Gblind but now I A7see
A7And I've got a Gpeaceful easy Dfeel-ing
GAnd I know you Gwon't let me Emdown A7
A7Cause I'm DEmallllll-ready Gstanding A7on solid Dground
D'Twas grace that Gtaught my Dheart to Gfear,
DAnd grace my Gfears A7relieved;
DHow precious Gdid that Dgrace Gappear
DThe hour I Gfirst A7believed.
A7And I've got a Gpeaceful easy Dfeel-ing
GAnd I know you Gwon't let me Emdown A7
A7Cause I'm DEmallllll-ready Gstanding A7on solid Dground
DThrough many Gdangers, Dtoils and Gsnares,
DI have Galready A7come;
D’Tis grace hath Gbrought me Dsafe thus Gfar,
DAnd grace will Glead me A7home.
A7And I've got a Gpeaceful easy Dfeeling
GAnd I know you Gwon't let me Emdown A7
A7Cause I'm DEmallllll-ready Gstanding A7on solid Dground
DWhen we’ve been Gthere ten Dthousand Gyears,
DBright shining Gas the A7sun,
DWe’ve no less Gdays to Dsing God’s Gpraise
DThan when we’d Gfirst A7begun.
A7And I've got a Gpeaceful easy Dfeel-ing
GAnd I know you Gwon't let me Emdown A7
A7Cause I'm DEmallllll-ready Gstanding A7on solid Dground
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