Back Home Again - John Denver chords
John Denver
There's a Estorm across the E7valley, Aclouds are rolling in;
the B7afternoon is heavy on your Eshoulders
There's a Etruck out on the E7four lane, a Amile or more away;
the B7whining of his wheels just makes it Ecolder
He's an Ehour away from E7riding, on your Aprayers up in the sky;
and B7ten days on the road are barely Egone
There's a Efire softly E7burning, Asupper's on the store;
but it's the B7light in your eyes that makes him Ewarm
AHey, its good to B7be back home EaE7gain
ASometimes, B7this old farm, Efeels like a long lost Afriend,
yes, and B7hey it's good to be back home Eagain
There's Eall the news to E7tell him, Ahow’d you spend your time;
and B7what's the latest thing the neighbors Esay?
And your Emother called last E7Friday, Asunshine made her cry;
and you B7felt the baby move just Eyesterday
AHey, its good to B7be back home EaE7gain
ASometimes, B7this old farm, Efeels like a long lost Afriend,
yes, and B7hey it's good to be back home Eagain
And Aoh, the time that B7I can lay this Etired old body Adown
and F#mfeel your fingers B7feather soft Eupon me E7
The Akisses that I B7live for, the Elove that lights my Away
the F#happiness that Aliving with you B7brings me
It's the Esweetest thing I E7know of, just Aspending time with you;
it's the B7little things that make a house a Ehome
Like a Efire softly E7burning, and Asupper on the stove;
and the B7light in your eyes that makes me Ewarm
AHey, its good to B7be back home EaE7gain
ASometimes, B7this old farm, Efeels like a long lost Afriend,
yes, and B7hey it's good to be back home Eagain
AHey, its good to B7be back home EaE7gain
ASometimes, B7this old farm, Efeels like a Along E7lost Afriend,
yes, and B7hey it's good to be back home Eagain
yes, and B7hey it's good to be back home Eagain
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