Good Day Sunshine - The Beatles chords
The Beatles
AG ood day Esuns hine
AG ood day Esuns hine
D7Go od day sunshine
I need to Gla ugh,
and E7when the sun A7is o ut
D7I 've got something I can Glaugh about
I feel E7good, in a A7special w ay
D7I' m in love and it's a Gsun ny day
AG ood day Esunshi ne
AG ood day Esun shine
D7Go od day sunshine
We take a Gwal k, the sun E7is shining A7dow n
D7Bu rns my feet as Gth
ey touch the E7gro und
AG ood day Esunsh ine
AG ood day Esuns hine
D7G ood day sunshin
Then we Gli e E7beneath a shady A7tr ee
I D7love her and she's Gl oving me
She feels E7goo d, she
know she's A7lo oking fine
D7I' m so proud to know Gthat she is mine
AGo od day Esunsh ine
AGoo d day Esuns hine
G7Go od day sunshine
AGo od day Esun shine
AGo od day Esunsh ine
D7Go od day sunshine
AGoo d day Esuns hine
AGoo d day Esuns hine
D7G ood day sunshine
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