Its A Great Day To Be Alive - Travis Tritt chords
Travis Tritt
I got Grice cooking in the CGmicrowave, got a Dthree day beard I don't
Emplan to Cshave and its a Ggoofy Dthing but I Emjust gotta Csay
Dhey Im Cdoing
Galright. Yeah I Gthink Ill make me some hComemade sGoup fDeeling
good and Emthats the Ctruth its Gneither Ddrink nor Emdrug
Cinduced Dno Im just
Cdoin Galright
DAnd its a great day to be Emalive I know the Amsuns still Emshining
when I
Cclose my Deyes theres some Dhard Dtimes in the Emneigborhood but
Amwhy can't
every Emday be Cjust this DGgood?
G C G D Em C G
Its Gbeen 15 years since I Cleft hoGme saidD good luck to every
Emseed I'd sCown, gGive it my bDest and then I Emleft it aloCne
oDhhh I hope they're
Cdoin Galright.
Now I Glook in the mirror and Cwhat do I Gsee? DA lone wolf there
starin Emback at Cme, loGng in the tDooth but harmleEmss as can
bCe, lDord I guess hes
Cdoin Galright
DAnd its a great day to be Emalive I know the Amsuns still Emshinin
when I
Cclose my Deyes theres some Dhard Dtimes in the Emneighborhood but
Amwhy can't
every Emday be Cjust this DEmgood?
EmSometimes its Dlonely, sometimes its Conly Gme and the Emshadows
Cthat Dfill
this Emroom, sometimes Im Dfallin desperately Ccallin Ghowlin at
Amthe Emmoon C D
x2 G C G D Em C G D Em C D C G
Ahhhwwoooooo! Ahhhwooooooo!
Well I Gmight go get me a nCew tattGoo or takDe my old Harley for a
day Ccruise Gmight even Dgrow me a Emfu man Cchu, ohh Aww!
DAnd its a great day to be Emalive I know the Amsuns still Emshinin
when I
Cclose my Deyes theres some Dhard Dtimes in the Emneigborhood but
Amwhy can't
every Emday be Cjust this DGgood?
DAnd its a great day to be Emalive I know the Amsuns still Emshinin
when I
Cclose my Deyes theres some Dhard Dtimes in the Emneigborhood but
Amwhy can't
every Emday be Cjust this DGgood?
G C G D Em C G D Em C D C G
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