Party of one - Brandi Carlile chords

Key: C Singer/Band: Brandi Carlile
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Dm1fr2fr3fr4frxoo231
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0B1fr2fr3fr4frx13331

Tông: [C] Intro: [F] [Am] [F] [C]
Verse 1:
Waiter Amsend this to the Gtable, the Fparty of one
The only Amother lonely Gsoul in this Fplace
And so you're Amfinishing up your Gcoffee
But then Fwhere're you gonna run?
Where'd you Amget that Glook on your Fface?
Verse 2:
You should Amalways let the Gsun go down on your Fanger
FLet Git Amburn Gyou to sleep
Bring it Amcloser to Gdanger
To sur Frender and retreat
FSing Gyour Amsad Gsoul to Fsleep
Chorus 1:
I Floved you the Gfirst time I saw Cyou
And you Fknow I Glove you Cstill
But I am Dmtired
And I am Gyours
Verse 3:
Don't even Amthink about your Gfreedom or Ftaking that flight
Or going Amback upon your pro
Gmise after Ffighting for the right
Because your Ameggshells and your G
"I" statements and your Fweaponized Cwords
Are Dmpaper tigers now G
Verse 4:
Oh your Amconstant overthin Gking and your Fsecretive drinking
Are Fma Gking you Ammore and Gmore Falone
And girl, you can Amslam the door
behind Gyou, it ain't Fnever gonna Cclose
Because Amwhen you're Ghome, you're Falready Chome
Chorus 2:
I am Dmtired
I am Gtired F
FI Gdon't Amwanna go Ghome any Fmore
FI Gdon't Amwanna throw Gstones any Fmore
FI Gdon't Amwanna take Gpart in the Dmwar
Chorus 3:
I Floved you the Gfirst time I saw Cyou
And you Fknow I Glove you Cstill
I Floved you the Gfirst time I saw Amyou
And you Fknow I love you Gstill
FI Gdon't Amwanna be Gright any Fmore
FLord, GI Amdon't wanna Gfight any Fmore
FI'm Gnot Amtaking your Gside any Dmmore
I am Ftired
I am not my Dmown
And I am Amlea Gving F
Oh, I am Dmtired
But I'm coming Ghome
'Cause I am Cyours, I am C/Byours, I
am Amyours, I am Gyours, I am Fyours
I am Cyours, I am C/Byours, I am Amyours, I am Gyours, I am Fyours
C C/B Am G F
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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