Still Alive - Demi Lovato chords
Demi Lovato
Capo 3
EmWoke up under Amwater, throat chained at the Gcollar
Couldn't get any Dfarther from the daylight
EmWas I still Amdreaming, stuck to a maGchine or
Choking and Dscreaming with my hands tied?
CCallin' and Amcallin' but nobody Emcomes
CFallin' and Amfallin', no air in my Emlungs
CGetting so Amcomfortably numb EmDon't know how I opened up my Deyes
But I'm Emstill aAmlive I don't wanna Gjust surDvive
EmGive me something to Amsink all my teeth in
GEat the devil and sDpit out my demons
EmStill aAmlive Already died a Gthousand Dtimes
EmWent to Hell, but I'm Amback and I'm breathing
GMake me bleed while my Dheart is still beating
EmStill aAmlive G D
EmSucked out the Ampoison, drowned out the Gnoise
'Cause I made a Dchoice and drew a hard line
EmLet the fire Amcatch until I'm back to Gash
If anybody Dasks, I'm turning back time
CChasing the Amghosts that would haunt me at Emnight
Facing my Dpast 'cause I'm up for the Cfight
Somebody Amturned on the light I'm Emnot afraid to open up my Deyes
But I'm Emstill aAmlive I don't wanna Gjust surDvive
EmGive me something to Amsink all my teeth in
GEat the devil and sDpit out my demons
EmStill aAmlive Already died a Gthousand Dtimes
EmWent to Hell, but I'm Amback and I'm breathing
GMake me bleed while my Dheart is still beating
CAlready Amdied Em D
CSuddenly AmI'm Em D
But I'm Emstill aAmlive I don't wanna Gjust surDvive
EmGive me something to Amsink all my teeth in
GEat the devil and sDpit out my demons
EmStill aAmlive Already died a Gthousand Dtimes
EmWent to Hell, but I'm Amback and I'm breathing
GMake me bleed while my Dheart is still beating
EmStill aAmlive G D
EmStill aAmlive G D
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