The 5th of July - Owl City chords

Key: G Singer/Band: Owl City
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo

Intro [G] [C] [G] [D] [C]
Verse 1
G My mother watched the CfDireworks
G From her hospital bed C D
Am And after Git was all Cover D
Em She held me Dfor the Amfirst time
C On the 5th D
Verse 2
G Deep in Iowa Ccountry D
G A heavenly hideaway C D
Am On the Gshores of Lake CRathbun D
Em My folks Dbrought me Amhome G
CGOoDoooooh... On the 5th
CGOoDoooooh... Gof July
CGOoDoooooh... On the 5th
Verse 3
G A teacher and a Cmechanic D
G Brought me into this Cworld D
Am They've loGved me
with aCll theirD hearts since
Em The day I Dopened my Ameyes G
C So I'd do Dwell to tell myself
CTo slow GDdown and tell my folks I love 'em
C GWith all of my Dheart
CauseC someGdayD the Lord
isAm gonna call them hCome
And someday they'll be Ggone
CTo slow GDdown and tell your Emfolks you love 'em
C GWith all of your Dheart
CauseC someGdayD the Lord
isEm gonna call them hAmome
And someday they'll be Dgone
C Cause we all Glive
D Just one life
C And mine Dbegan
Em Late that night
CGOoDoooooh... On the 5th
CGOoDoooooh... Gof July
CGOoDoooooh... On the 5th
CGOoDoooooh... Gof July
CGOhDhhhhhh... On the 5th
CGOhDhhhhhh... Gof July
CGOhDhhhhhh... On the 5th
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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