The Exodus Song (This Land Is Mine) - Andy Williams chords
Andy Williams
1. This Dmland is Gmine, God A#gave this Cland to Dmme
This Ambrave and Fancient Gland to A7me
And Amwhen the Dmmorning sun reveals her Amhills and plain
CThen I Gmsee a Aland where Cchildren Dmcan run A7free
2. So Dmtake my Ghand and A#walk this Cland with Dmme
And Amwalk this Flovely Gland with A7me
Though AmI am Dmjust a man, when you are Amby my side
CWith the Gmhelp of AGod, A#I know I Ccan be Dmstrong
Though AmI am Dmjust a man, when you are Amby my side
CWith the Gmhelp of AGod, A#I know I Ccan be Dmstrong
To Ammake this land our home
If DmI must Cfight, I'll fight to Ammake this land our own
Until I Dmdie, this Cland is Dmmine
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