The Gambler - Kenny Rogers chords
Kenny Rogers
Verse 1
On a Ewarm summer's evenin' on a Atrain bound for Enowhere,
I Amet up with the Egambler; we were Aboth too tired to Bsleep.
So Ewe took turns a starin' out the Awindow at the Edarkness
'til Aboredom over- Etook us, Band he began to Espeak.
Verse 2
He said, E"Son, I've made a life out of Areadin' people's Efaces,
and Aknowin' what their Ecards were by the Away they held their Beyes.
And if Eyou don't mind my sayin', I can Asee you're out of Eaces.
For a Ataste of your Ewhiskey I'll Bgive you some Eadvice."
Verse 3
So I Ehanded him my bottle and he Adrank down my last Eswallow.
AThen he bummed a Ecigarette and Aasked me for a Blight.
And the Enight got deathly quiet, and his Aface lost all ex- Epression.
Said, "If you're Agonna play the game, Eboy, ya gotta Blearn to play it
You got to Eknow when to hold 'em, Aknow when to Efold 'em,
Aknow when to Ewalk away Aand know when to Brun.
You never Ecount your money when you're Asittin' at the Etable.
There'll be time Aenough for Ecountin' Bwhen the dealin's Edone.
Verse 4 (Lên nửa tone E--> F)
CEv'ry gambler knows that the Bbsecret to sur Fvivin'
is Bbknowin' what to Fthrow away Bband knowing what to Ckeep.
'Cause Fev'ry hand's a winner and Bbev'ry hand's a Floser,
and the Bbbest that you can Fhope for is to Cdie in your Fsleep."
Verse 5
And Fwhen he'd finished speakin', he Bbturned back towards the Fwindow,
Bbcrushed out his Fcigarette and Bbfaded off to Csleep.
And Fsomewhere in the darkness the Bbgambler, he broke Feven.
But Bbin his final Fwords I found an Cace that I could Fkeep.
You got to Fknow when to hold 'em, Bbknow when to Ffold 'em,
Bbknow when to Fwalk away Bband know when to Crun.
You never Fcount your money when you're Bbsittin' at the Ftable.
There'll be time Bbenough for Fcountin' Cwhen the dealin's Fdone.
Nhịp trống
You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em,
know when to walk away and know when to run.
You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table.
There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.
You got to Fknow when to hold 'em, Bbknow when to Ffold 'em,
Bbknow when to Fwalk away Bband know when to Crun.
You never Fcount your money when you're Bbsittin' at the Ftable.
There'll be time Bbenough for Fcountin' Cwhen the dealin's Fdone
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