Lady - Kenny Rogers chords
Kenny Rogers
Capo 1
DmLady - I'm your Gmknight in shining Carmor - and I Dmlove you
You have Gmmade me what I Cam and --- I am Dmyours
My love - there's Gmso many ways I Cwant to say - I Dmlove you
Let me Gmhold you in my Carms for --- ever Dmmore
You have Gmgone - and Ammade me such a fool Bb- I'm so Amlost - in
your Dlove
And Gmoh - we belongAm together Bb- Won't you Ambelieve - in my
Dsus4song D
DmLady - for so Gmmany years I Cthought - I'd never Dmfind you
You have Gmcome into my Clife and - made me Dmwhole
DmForever - let me Gmwake to see you Ceach and every Dmmorning
Let me Gmhear you whisper Csoftly --- in my Dmear
In my Gmeyes - I see Amno one else but you Bb- There's no Amother -
love like our Dlove
And Gmyes - oh yes I'll Amalways want you near me Bb- I've waited for
Amyou for so Dlong
BbLady - Am7your love's - the Fonly love I F/Eneed Dm Dm/C
And Bbbeside me - Am7is where - I Fwant you to F/Ebe Dm Dm/C
'Cause Bbmy love - Am7there's somethin' I Fwant you - to F/Eknow Dm
You're the Bblove of Am7my Gmlife - Cyou're my Dmlady . Gm C
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