Through The Years - Kenny Rogers chords
Kenny Rogers
Intro: [G] [Em] [Am] [D7] [Bm] [Em] [Am] [D7]
I Gcan't remember B7when you weren't Emthere,
G7When I didn't Ccare for D7anyone but Bmyou. D7
I Gswear we've
been through B7everything there Emis,
Can't imagine G7anything we've Cmissed
Can't imagine Bmany-Emthing
the Amtwo of us can't D7do.
Through the Gyears
You Emnever let me Amdown,
You've D7turned my life a-Bmround.
The Emsweetest days I've Amfound
I've found with D7you.
Through the Bmyears
I've Emnever been a-Amfraid,
I've D7loved the life we've Bmmade
And EmI'm so glad I've C
stayed right here with Amyou
D7Through the Gyears.
Em G7 C D7
I Gcan't remember B7what I used to Emdo,
G7Who I trusted, Cwho I D7listened to be-Bmfore. D7
I Gswear you've taught me B7everything I Emknow
I can't imagine G7needing someone Cso.
But through the years it Bm seems to Emme
I Amneed you more and D7more
Chorus 2:
Through the Gyears,
Through Emall the good and Ambad,
I D7knew how much we Bmhad,
I've Emalways been so Amglad to be with D7you.
Chorus 3:
Through the Bmyears
It's Embetter every-Amday,
You've D7kissed my tears a-Bmway,
As Emlong as it's o-Ckay, I`ll stay with Amyou
D7Through the Gyears.
D#sus4 D7
Through the G#years
When Fmeverything went A#mwrong,
Toge-D#7ther we were Cmstrong,
I Fmknow that I be-A#mlong right here with D#7you
Through the Cmyears
I Fmnever had a A#mdoubt
D#7We'd always work things Cmout.
I've Fmlearned what
life's a-C#bout,by loving A#myou...
D#7Through the G#years.
Fm A#m D#7 Cm Fm A#m A#m A#m D#7
Through the G#years
You Fmnever let me A#mdown,
You've D#7turned my life a-Cmround.
The Fmsweetest days I've A#mfound
I've found with D#7you.
Through the Cmyears
It's Fmbetter every-A#mday,
You've D#7kissed my tears a-Cmway,
As Fmlong as it's o-C#kay,
I`ll stay with A#myou
D#7Through the G#years.
Fm A#m D#7 Cm Fm A#m D#7 Cm Fm
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