River Of Babylon - Boney M chords
Boney M
By the rivers of CBabylon, there we sat down
ye-eah we G7wept, when we remembered CZion.
By the rivers of CBabylon, there we sat down
ye-eah we G7wept, when we remembered CZion.
When the wicked Ccarried us away in cap C7tivity
Re Fquired from us a Csong
Now how shall we sing the G7lord's song in a strange land
When the wicked Ccarried us away in cap C7tivity
Re Fquired from us a Csong
Now how shall we sing the G7lord's song in a strange land
Let the Cwords of our G7mouth and the medi Ctations of our G7heart
be ac Cceptable in thy G7sight here Ctonight
Let the Cwords of our G7mouth and the medi Ctations of our G7heart
be ac Cceptable in thy G7sight here Ctonight
By the rivers of CBabylon, there we sat down
ye-eah we G7wept, when we remembered CZion.
By the rivers of CBabylon, there we sat down
ye-eah we G7wept, when we remembered CZion.
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