Seize the day - Avenged Sevenfold chords
Avenged Sevenfold
DmSeize the day or Fdie regretting the Gmtime you lost
It's Cempty and cold Bbwithout you here,
Too many Cpeople to ache Dmover
GmI see my vision burn,
CI feel my memories fade with time F
But CI'm too young to Dmworry
GmThese streets we travel Con
Will undergo our same lost past F
DmI found you here, now Gmplease just stay for a Fwhile
I can move Con with you Dmaround
I hand you Gmmy mortal life, but Fwill it be Cforever?
DmI'd do Gmanything for a Fsmile,
Holding you Ctill our time is Dmdone
We both know the Gmday will come
But FI don't want to Cleave you
GmI see my vision Cburn,
I feel my memories fade with Ftime
But CI'm too young to Dmworry
BbA melody, a memory, or just one picture
DmSeize the day or Fdie regretting the Gmtime you lost
It's Cempty and cold Bbwithout you here,
Too many Cpeople to ache Dmover
DmNewborn life Gmreplacing all of Fus,
Changing this Cfable we live Dmin
No longer neeGmded here so wheFre do we gCo?
DmWill you Gmtake a journey Ftonight,
Follow me Cpast the walls of Dmdeath?
But girl, Gmwhat if there is Fno eternal Clife?
GmI see my vision Cburn,
I feel my memories fade with Ftime
CBut I'm too young to Dmworry
BbA melody, a memory, or just one picture
DmSeize the day or Fdie regretting the Gmtime you lost
It's Cempty and cold Bbwithout you here,
Too many Cpeople to ache Dmover
DmTrials in life, Fquestions of us Gmexisting here,
Don't want to Cdie alone Bbwithout you here
Please tell me Cwhat we have is Dmreal
F C Dm Bb
FSo, What if I never Chold you, Dmyeah,
Or kiss you lips Bbagain? FWooaaahh
So, I never want to Cleave you
And the Bbmemories for us to see
I Bbbeg don't leave me
DmSeize the day or Fdie regretting the Gmtime you lost
It's Cempty and cold Bbwithout you here,
Too many Cpeople to ache Dmover
DmTrials in life, Fquestions of us Gmexisting here,
Don't want to Cdie alone Bbwithout you here
Please tell me Cwhat we have is Dmreal
Solo 2
Gm F A Bb
SGmilence, you loFst me, no chAance for one more Bbday
SGmilence, you loFst me, no chAance for one more Bbday
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